She found my blog a while ago and liked my posts – it’s always a thrill when someone likes my posts! After I was finished dancing my Happy Dance, I decided I should go and check out her blog – it’s only fair, right?
Holy Shit! She’s amazing! It’s not often that I find an author who writes so beautifully. And while I was feeling inferior to her talents she had to go and nominate me for The Black Cat Blue Sea Award!
Don’t you need to write something useful? I’m just stumbling through life leaving havoc, chaos and confusion in my footsteps. That’s not really worth an Award, is it? If it is, I should have been writing decades ago!
Apparently, this is an award given and received by fellow bloggers and is meant to be fun. I have to answer 3 questions and then nominate 7 other bloggers for the award. If any nominees are not interested in participating they don’t have to, I won’t be offended and neither will anyone else. The Rules are:
The questions Susan wanted all her nominees to answer are:
1. Why did you start blogging.
The Viking and I assaulted 8 European countries last fall. I played Charades with 3 dart players, a bartender and a waitress in the town where Joan of Arc was born. The Viking got drunk and offended a Priest in Florence. We both gave locals in Pula a lesson in creative cursing. And we had a foot race in Reims to a place neither one of us wanted to go to.
I started blogging because I wanted to know if I could tell these stories so others might enjoy them or if I was just a nut. The jury is still out on that but I have followers! How cool is that?! Maybe I should start plumping up my travel journal.
2. What do you do when you need to unplug and relax?
Absolutely nothing. Except breathe. And if I could convince The Viking to serve me Bugles and Brandy I would be drunk, too. I would do all this nothingness in bed with a heated blanket and a body pillow. I need to sort through the detritus cluttering up my brain from time to time and I can’t do that without locking out the world. Does that answer the question?
3. Name 3 people you admire and one of the qualities you admire in them.
- The Viking because when someone thinks about fucking with him he pulls out a Battle Axe and a Shield and says “Make my day.” The reason I find this admirable is because I don’t have a Battle Axe or a Shield and I have foot prints all over my back. Someday though……
- Mim (my daughter) because…….really? I can only say one thing I admire? Fine. I’ll pass over intelligent, confident and honest and settle for…..she looks fucking adorable in Pig Tails. I didn’t notice that about her until a couple of weeks ago when she showed up all hippie chic with Pig Tails and then I just wanted to pull them and squeeze her cheeks.
- The third person I admire is actually not a person, technically, but a cat; Izzie, to be precise. As I sit here, mentally sifting through all the people I know to pick only one I admire and why, Izzie has just finished molesting my boobs and is now shouting obscenities and graphic death threats at The Viking who has closed the bathroom door so he can poop in peace. Who wouldn’t admire that kind of hootzpah? Seriously!
And now for my seven nominees:
- Actual Conversations With My Husband
- Trent’s World (the Blog)
- KB Garst
- Travel Much
- Searching For Fai
- Storytime With John
- Idaho Blue Bird
Questions for my Nominees:
- What was the worst pet you’ve ever owned and why? If you’ve never owned a pet, tell me about a friend or relative’s worst pet ever.
- Who is the worst human being you’ve ever known? Why are they the worst? Here’s your chance to ‘out’ them!
- What is the worst dish your Mother always made when you were a kid? Did you have to eat it?
Phew! Finally finished. This was the most difficult post I’ve ever written; I’ve been at it for 3 days and my head hurts. Compliments and Awards are things I have no idea how to handle so I do a lot of babbling and blushing. But, I’m done.
Huge thanks to Susan Jarreau for nominating me. It’s been a nightmare, to be honest, but it forced me out of my comfort zone and, if the experts are to be believed, it’s a good thing.
PS: One last thing! I would like everyone who reads this post to the end to answer at least one of those questions I asked my Nominees. Put your answer in the comments and make me laugh.
You never fail to make me laugh! Outstanding response which I’m sure I’ll read at least four times.
I’m glad you liked it. :o) It was 3 days of hair pulling, cursing and caffeine before I finally hit the ‘Publish’ button. Thanks again for the nomination. :o)
Congratulations on the award. (If you keep quiet about Izzie being a cat, I will too.) 🙂
Thanks, Bun! I appreciate you keeping quiet about Izzie being a non-human. I wouldn’t want to lose the nomination on a technicality. :o)
Congratulations!! I am not surprised at all by your nomination, but I am really happy you got the award 🙂 Your Blog is great, and you deserve the special mention 🙂
For your giggle request, I’ve got to go with #2… Because I always had great pets, and mom is an amazing cook!
I am not a hater… I get annoyed a lot by some people, irritated, or mad at, but I don’t hate people. I just get away from them before I get to that point. But there is one exception, and I think you might enjoy her story 😉
Back when I was 18, and starting to flirt with the guy who’d soon become my first boyfriend, I met this girl, let’s call her Marjolaine… Because, well, that’s what her parents have decided to call her!
Marjolaine was a close friend of that guy, and we had met on several occasions. When the dating between me and boyfriend #1 started, I even had a chat with her, to make sure she was ok with us dating, and that she didn’t have intentions, or feelings for him…
After a while, I discovered she was writing very explicit letters to my boyfriend, and I got FURIOUS! How could she? They had been friends for years before I came in the picture, and she chose this timing to try to get him??? I did what I do best… I wrote to her a 12 pages long hate letter, telling her how angry and betrayed I felt, and I was quite harsh to say the least…
Time passed by, Boyfriend #1 and I broke up (because of her), Boyfriend #1 went out with her! (You’re very welcome, B*tch!) and I started to harvest an endless hate for her. I talked about her to everybody, using my wild imagination to wish her painful ways of dying. My favorite was the typical cartoon piano hanging above a door and falling loudly on her as she entered the room.
I also enjoyed laughing at her very bad case of eczema. I don’t wish that condition to anyone, and I don’t find it funny otherwise, but I couldn’t help but depict her in a jacuzzi, making the hot water slowly turn into a giant bowl of disgusting oatmeal kind of stuff…
After a while, my neverending thread of (almost) threats got to her b*tch’s ears, and I was told she got really scared of me! I normally would have felt bad, but it just boosted me, and I kept the talking bad in her back (well… not so much since she knew about it but still…) going full blast…
One day, I heard that she had moved to my home town. I was thrilled to know that the object of my hate was now so close, and I just might bump into her and get that glance of fright in her eyes! And I was told that she had made everybody promise not to tell me where she lived! But I eventually found out anyway, and I made sure to drive by her place a couple of times, just for fun…
I realized I had become her best life insurance policy, since if anything happened to her, all fingers would point at me right away. I decided to stop my hate campain, and release myself from the bad feelings, but I bet she still gets a little chill down the spine when she thinks about me…
Now, I just re-read myself and I know this story will make me look real bad. Meh, the hell with it, I am not a bad person otherwise! Or maybe I am? Am I ?? This story spells anger management problems… Yeah, I must be a dang wreck!
OMG, you just lead me towards self-analysis…. Should I start a therapy??
Don’t be surprised if you get my therapist’s bills!
Congrats for the award again 🙂
I would venture to say that even Mother Theresa hated someone at some point in her life. :o) Yours is a great story! There’s nothing quite like a rival to make us crazy. Thanks for sharing. :o)
Congratulations, well deserved.