I missed last week due to busy-ness…..
who am I kidding? I missed last week because I was frantically getting my shit together for a family weekend to work on genealogy. I have menopause (that’s the excuse I’m sticking with) so I freak out about little things and pretty much everything is a little thing. When did I lose my competence at juggling a hundred things at once? I was a Juggling Queen once upon a time. Now I’m a court jester that can’t find matching socks.
At least the cats are happy. I can’t keep track of who’s in and who’s out so I offer treats at roll call – if only one comes the other must be out. I wonder if I can teach them to clock in and out like employees. Probably not because the only chore they are even slightly competent at is dusting behind the sofa. I chase them in one end then hurry to the other end with a hand-held vacuum.
Anyhoo…..here’s my offering to Karuna’s picture.
You’re Supposed to be Friends – 99 words.
Three feet tall. Skinny arms crossed, oozing belligerence. Dark, unruly hair; brown eyes cold as stone.
“Why?” His mother was at a complete loss. “You’re supposed to be friends!”
Jack pursed his lips tighter and looked away.
“Sarah’s monkey was a gift from her Grandmother! It can’t be replaced!”
Finally, she sank into a lawn chair. “Well, we’re going to stay here until you explain yourself. And you don’t have a chair.”
Minutes pass. More minutes. Even more.
Tears ran down his face.
Comfort now.
Consequences later.
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