It all started last week. Wait, more accurately, it started 3 years ago but last week was an event of sorts. It’s genealogy – convoluted, confusing genealogy. My Great Grandmother started this whole thing when she watched Roots: The Miniseries, way back in the 1970’s. She started digging and researching and put together an impressive lump of material without the aid of the internet.
My parents took up the cause and collected an even more impressive chunk of information, including photos. They wandered all over the USA, wrote letters and badgered relatives until they now have branches on the family tree that go back to the 1600’s. The pile is spectacularly imposing.
All of this information and keepsakes and heirlooms and photos……all of it…..will go to my older sister. But where does that leave my kids? What if they want to know the stories about their great, great, great, great, great Grandfather/Grandmother? It would break my heart to lose all the information that’s been lovingly compiled over 50 years.
I decided that wasn’t going to happen. About three years ago I started writing a short book about my parents and their parents. I’ve spent the last 6 months scanning over 800 photos. Some photos deserved better than my old Brother scanner that tops out at 1200dpi, so I bought another scanner that does 6400dpi. I taught myself Photoshop and spent hundreds of hours touching up photos.
This brings me why I’m in no shape to deal with 238 245 (more have come in since I started this post) damned emails.
I drove 4 hours to my parents and spent Friday afternoon, all day Saturday and part of Sunday working on notes for their book and going though keepsakes in the family trunk and then drove the 4 hours back home. I want this project finished so I can move on with my own projects, namely a book on how The Viking and I stormed Europe, offended Catholics, pissed off the Autobahn, shocked small villages and educated Florencians on how to curse.
But for now my brain is full.
It’s so full there isn’t room for anything else. And I’m tired to the bone. It’s probably because my brain is so busy trying to compartmentalize all that information that it has nothing left to actually operate my body. That happens to computers all the time! It’s so busy updating the Anti-Virus that it can’t play a single game of Solitaire. That’s totally legit.
Except, apparently, it’s not legit when it’s anything other than a computers. Because I came home and my car vomited all the binders, photos, keepsakes, tintypes and diaries all over the kitchen. On Monday I looked at the mess and…..NOPE! It just wasn’t in me to deal with it. Yesterday was the same way. Until The Viking decided that all this shit was messing up the clean kitchen he had personally arranged for me.
So, with aching back and foggy mind, I have picked up the harness of Mundania. I’ve got no great ideas for a blog post – or supper for that matter. I’ll come up with something I guess. It’s supposed to thundershower this afternoon, fucking up any thoughts on barbequing. I might be able to but as soon as I rely on it the heavens will open up and drown me, the barbeque and whatever the hell the main dish is. Maybe something in the slow cooker? It doesn’t give off much heat so shouldn’t turn the house into a slightly kinder version of Hell.
In the meantime, I will tackle the monster that is my Inbox.
What an awesome project!
It IS awesome. It’s also huge. But it will be so satisfying when I’m done. :o) Thanks for stopping by.